Save SettersHappy Tails
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GORDY: Dennis and Marie; Johnson City, TN
Last August, our Gordon Setter Maddy left us for Doggy heaven. She had been with us nearly thirteen years and it was very sad in the Cope household. We gave away or threw away most of her things; just seeing them brought tears to our eyes. I had made it clear that after Maddy we needed a break, so don't even talk about another dog. Marie just said that one will come along that needs a home. We had also decided that when the time was right we could go and get a dog from the Animal shelter.
Four or Five weeks went by and without talking about it we had both started searching the Gordon setter rescue site! I don�t remember who said it first but after a short discussion we decided that we would rescue a Gordon setter. We really didn't want to drive too far so we looked mainly in the Southeast and decided to contact the Magnolia Setter Rescue.
A few Emails to Bonnie and a lot of form filling and a home inspection (I thought I was adopting a child) we were approved. At first we had asked for a female but agreed to take a male. We didn't want a puppy but we did want a young dog. Soon we were looking at a four year old with the name of Gordy. We laughed about calling a Gordon setter "Gordy", but Marie has a brother called Gordy and we had a wonderful neighbor called Gordy, so we decided to adopt Gordy.
We live in Johnson City, TN and Gordy was being cared for by Vicki who lives in Apex, NC. After a few more Emails it was decided that we could pick Gordy up on Saturday October 25, 2008. After checking the map and travel time we decided to leave on Friday and stay in Greensboro so that we could be at Vicki's home at 9:30am.
When we arrived Vicki led us into the family room that had three crates, two had Irish setters and in the other one was Gordy. Vicki allowed Gordy and one of the Irish setters out of their crates. We really didn't get to pay Gordy much attention as the Irish setter was looking for all the attention! Gordy just hung back and waited for any attention we could give him. It was love at first sight for us and Gordy.
We shared stories about dogs etc with Vicki, signed the adoption paper, and after a parting kiss from Vicki, Gordy jumped onto the back seat of our SUV. We wonder what our "new" dog would be like in the car. I can only say he was amazing! He laid down on the back seat, and never made a sound. When we stopped to let him out for a break we had to encourage him to get out of the car! Five hours later we introduced Gordy to his new home. He immediately took to the back yard, running around the perimeter but never trying to climb the fence.
Saturday night we put Gordy into his crate and never heard a sound from him all night. After just a couple of days Gordy never went back into the crate. He has a bed in our bedroom and he is allowed to sleep on the couch in the family room. He is very well behaved and has become part of our family. We thank Bonnie and Vicki for allowing Gordy to become part of the Cope family.
Gordy Update: In June 2009, 8 months after his adoption, Gordy passed the Therapy Dog test. Congratulations Gordy!!